![Leeres Ortsschild rahmt den Blick auf den Tagebau Garzweiler (am "Skywalk")](https://kohleersetzen.noblogs.org/files/2017/06/ortsschild-300x199.jpg)
We are going to disrupt the operating procedure of the biggest German coal company RWE, to emphasise unmistakably the claim for a consequent coal exit and climate protection. Therefore we will directly block the access roads of one of the coal power stations.
Our sit-in is a conscious act of Civil Disobedience. Therefore we will disregard all those laws and regulations which ensure the smooth procedure of burning coal. We will not leave the access roads voluntarily, as we see this action as urgently necessary and legitimate in view of imminent catastrophic climate change.
In contact with police and security forces we will act calmly and without violence. We will deal carefully with other’s property. In general we will not discriminate against others. We want to convey a colourful, life-affirming perspective on the action.
Possible legal prosecution will not discourage us. As we act, we take into account the consequences of our actions for others in our blockade, trying to reduce repression to be an easy to join action of Civil Disobedience, open to people with different levels of action experience. We will oppose possible legal consequences together and solidarily as far as possible and wanted by the affected ones.
We invite to a well prepared nonviolent action, in which we organise ourselves in affinity groups. During action we come to decisions by grassroots democracy, using the principle of consensus, so needs and concerns get space. We try to reduce hierarchic structures.
Provided that you agree to this action frame, let us rePlace coal together and save the climate disobediently!